Saturday, April 27, 2013

His Ways

Quickly after we brought Anna home from Guatemala, I discovered being an adoptive parent is different than being a biological parent.  Now, don't get me wrong, in most ways it is exactly the same.  You still feed, change diapers, potty train, take to the doctor, worry over, pray for, discipline....and love to pieces.
However, the adopted child has a past (often times unknown), a huge loss, and different genes.  So, I began to pray that we would become friends with another adoptive family.  Someone that could truly understand our journey.  Another adoptive family that would show Anna that families are made in different ways.  Then, Brian's sister adopted a little girl from Guatemala...finally, we personally knew someone that had adopted.  But, we live two and a half hours away and that means limited contact with them.  So, I continued to pray!

I have prayed this same request for over 6 years.  Finally, our dear friends decided to adopt.  I was so, we have friends that are adoptive parents.  I thought my prayers had been answered!  How silly I am...
God's plans are so much bigger!  Through adoption classes and several mutual friends...we have met and been in contact with several adoptive families.  Tonight, we are having 4 families over for dinner that are in the process of adopting or have already adopted.  We will have China, Peru, Guatemala, and the D.R. Congo represented.  I stand in awe of God's plans and His ways.

Isaiah 55:9 
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."

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