Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 3: Open Space, Cassava, Papa Wemba

Today, we traveled to Kimpoko to visit the site of the GOF's future village.  The open space is a stark contrast to the crowded city of Kinshasa.

Crops have been planted on the land to provide food for the children at the orphanages in Kinshasa. This cassava was grown on the land.  It is drying and then will be ground up to make a flour.

Papa Wemba, a famous Congolese musician, passed away and the funeral procession was today.  We traveled through streets lined with people waiting to pay their respects.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Day 2: Muddy Roads, Diapers, Play Mats, and the Power of Human Touch

It rained this morning so our drive to the orphanage was quite muddy and very bumpy.

We delivered the diapers.  Thanks to our generous donors, we had over 500 diapers to provide to the orphanage.

There was a training for the mommas on how to properly use and care for the diapers.

We also provided some child development training on the fundamentals for cognitive and motor development.

There was my adorable model who helped demonstrate the proper use of the play mats.

And, then there was this sweet malnourished infant that was so agitated but settled with a single, human touch.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 1: When I Know Your Name

David Platt has a great quote “We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names.  They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.  It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms.  But once you do…everything changes”

Today, we traveled back to one of GOF’s partner orphanages.  As I walked in, I saw several familiar faces….but there were three that I knew their names.  As I looked at them, I felt an overwhelming sadness that this small confined space was still their life.  As I talked with one, I wondered if someone was truly watching out for her best interest.  As I put new shoes on their feet, I wondered if they would ever get the chance to pick out their own shoes.

Davinia, Ety, and Chanel...I know their names, I have seen their faces, and I have touched them.  I cannot forget...because for me, knowing them has made everything change!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Over the past week, I have been participating in a study on the Nicene Creed at If:Gathering.  The Nicene Creed is a profession of faith used by the Christian community. The Creed simply states the foundation of what we, as followers of Christ, believe.

Last week, we looked at "We believe in God, the Father Almighty..."  In the midst of delving into this statement, we looked at some scripture references about how we are adopted as children of God.

"But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship"  Galatians 4:4

"The Spirit you receive does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.  And by him we cry, "Abba, Father!"  Romans 8:15

This topic struck a nerve with me as an adopted mother of three children.  Before adopting, I thought "How nice! God adopts me and we become one big happy family."  After walking the adoption journey, I have a new perspective on God adopting us...

*Adoption is hard.  Each one of my adopted children lost their birth family and country in order to become a Siegrist.  Their story to our family involves a great loss!
God had to watch His only son, Jesus, die a brutal death in order for us to become part of his family. Jesus had to experience God's wrath on the cross so that we may one day live with Him.  There was pain, grieving, loss, and heartbreak involved in God's adoption of us!

*Adoption was not God's first and perfect choice.  I firmly believe that in a world without sin, God's first and perfect choice would have been for my children to remain with their birth families. While I think each of my children's adoption story is beautiful and even miraculous, they lost their birth family and a piece of themselves in their adoption journey.
If Adam and Eve had never sinned, there would be no need for adoption and we would have enjoyed perfect harmony with God. Instead, pain and suffering are now part of our story.  While our adoption is beautiful, because it was not God's perfect plan, we have and will experience great pain.

*Adoption is not a one time event.   So often, people pray for and support you as your adopting.  Once the child is home, they feel like the goal has been reached...the prayers were answered.  Honestly, looking back, that was the easy part!  The doctor's appointments, hard questions, therapy sessions, and personalities that don't mimic your own are the real struggles.
Jesus tells us that we must "take up our cross daily and follow Him".  Becoming a child of God is not a one time deal or a simple prayer that never needs to be revisited.  Everyday, we must chose to accept the love and grace of our new family and leave behind the pain of our past.

*In the end, adoption is beautiful!  Despite the struggles, heartache, and pain, adoption is beautiful.  When I look at my children with their pain, struggles, loss, and heartbreak, I love them for what they have overcome, for who they are, and who they will become.  I would gladly walk through each step of our journey again.
Earthly adoption is a picture of how God suffered great pain, loss, and heartache in order to bring us into His family.  I believe when He looks at me, He sees the struggles I have overcome, the person I truly am right now, and the person He wants me to become, and He loves me!  I believe He would do it all again in order for me to become part of His family!