Thursday, September 12, 2013

Becoming a Family of Seven: One Year Later

One year ago today, we stepped foot back on American soil after spending 10 days "bringing home the boys".  At that moment, it seemed like the end of a journey that involved Brian being pulled from a car by an angry mob.  The end of journey that let me witness a war torn, poverty stricken nation.  The end of a journey that forever changed my life.  However, in reality, it was just the beginning of our journey as a family of seven. 

As I was thinking over how I wanted to write this post...I decided I would write myself an advice filled letter that I wish I would have read (and listened to) over a year ago. 

Dear Me,
Adoption is hard.  It is the taking of two (or more) people with no blood relation and forever making them a family.  Our adoption into God's family cost him His one and only son.  Earthly adoption costs you financially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically....plan for that!  God did not call us to a life of ease and comfort.

Accept help.  This is so difficult to do; however, it is not bad (nor does it mean you are a bad mother) to ask for and accept help.  Sometimes, as an adoptive parent, I know you feel that others think you "chose" these children therefore you shouldn't need a break.  Now, whether this is just perceived or true on the part of the outside world, don't let it limit your asking of help.  Who cares if people say, "Well, if you are overwhelmed maybe you shouldn't have adopted 2 more children."  If people offer to help, take them up on the kindness!

5 is more than 3.  Basic math, right?  Five children is a lot more to manage than three.  Your first three children were within 3 years.  They were babies together.  Then, 5 years passed by, your three children got involved in activities.  Now, enter 2 more....oh wait, the other 3 are still involved in activities, still attending school, having homework, and they are only 8, 7, and 5.  Give yourself some time to adjust to these new dynamics. 

2 Boys Together is Different than a Boy and Girl Together.  Noah and Anna are only eight months apart...Number 4 and Number 5 are one year apart....but it's going to be  whole new ball game.  Two boys are ROUGH!  They will put a hurting on your house!  Look at what will happen to your home....and take a deep breath...

Stop Comparing Yourself and Your Children to Others.  No one else has your children.  God has put your family together and you are unique.  It is so tempting to look at other mothers, their beautiful children, and smiling family portraits and think they are so perfect.  Just have not seen behind their closed doors. 
Developmental milestones are guidelines.  Your child might not meet them within the time frame...or even meet them by a long shot.  That is alright.  Compare your child to your child and look at the milestones they are reaching!  Celebrate the progress each child has made individually.

Accept Failure as Part of the Process.  You will fail. Again. And. Again.  You must pick yourself up and try again.  Every other mother fails also.  You are no different.  You will lose your temper and your patience.  Apologize, move on, and learn from your failures
People Will Stare.  This will be very difficult for you as you like to go with the crowd and not be a stand out.  You will stand out...everywhere.  People will stare and smile.  People will stare and scowl.  Grow some thick skin.  Trust that you are where God wants you to be at this moment.  Smile, breath, and maybe, from time to time, walk quickly.

One and a Half Years is So Much Longer than Two Months.  (Again with the basic math.)  One of your boys only spent two months in an orphanage.  The other spent one and a half years.  You can never go back and get those years.  The brain development or lack thereof will not be made up.  This will break your heart every time you hear a presentation on it.  You will want to cry every time your pediatrician tells you that you need to modify your expectations.  However, you do need to modify your expectations.  You need to accept the past, realize you can never change it, and move on from there.

Screaming is a Blessing.  What?  A friend of yours (when speaking about her adopted daughter) will say "Even when she screams and throws a fit, I am thankful that she is home and I can hear her."   There will be so much screaming.  When a child doesn't speak but wants to communicate, they scream.  They. Scream. Loud.  Be patient.  Make charts, give choices, breathe, teach signs, say the same word over and over, and then breathe some more...And, be thankful that you can hear him scream.  He isn't across the ocean.  He is here and you can hear him scream!

Take Some/Ignore Some.  Everyone will have advice.  Some will be helpful.  A lot will be useless.  Smile, nod, and remember that no one has been in your exact situation.  If people are not supporting you in your journey to become a family of seven, move on.  You need to surround yourself with have enough obstacles to overcome.
Find another adoptive family because their life will most closely resemble your life and struggles.  In fact, find several adoptive families.

Celebrate The Baby Steps of Attachment.  For a while, the attachment will be "unhealthy", meaning he will have to have you no matter what when you are around.  If he doesn't, he will scream. and. Loud.  People will "tsk" and shake their heads.  Ignore them.  Remind yourself that at least he is attaching...even if a bit unhealthy. 
Guess what...just shy of 1 year, he will ask to go to toddler church and he will go. Without. Any. Tears.  Guess what else...he will chose to go with someone else even though you are staying home.  It does get better.  He will heal and the scars of people always disappearing will begin to fade.  He just has to know you are there (always and forever) before he can spread his wings to fly. 

Change Your Life.  Let what you saw change you forever.  It is not alright that babies are laying in cribs without arms holding them, toys engaging them, and love surrounding them.  It is not alright that little boys are sleeping on wooden slats.  It is not alright that children are being forced to become soldiers...That six year olds are being kidnapped from their homes and forced to kill.  It is not alright that little girls are being raped by grown men.  It is not alright that children are dying of malnutrition and hunger while you throw food away daily.  YOU NEED TO DO YOUR PART TO CHANGE THIS!  Find a way...research charitable agencies to fund, become an advocate for adoption, and "be the change" for those who don't have a voice.  It will be a long, hard battle but find. a. way.

Despite Everything, Adoption is Beautiful.  Through tragedy, God is making something beautiful.  Through the loss of first families, God is weaving a new family...a forever family.  Your family is a picture of what God's family looks like...White, Brown, and Black....scarred from the battle but pressing on and moving forward.  It will be hard!  However, it is beautiful!

Lastly, Look at the Smiles...all the tears, all the failures and setbacks, all the moments of sheer panic, all the overwhelmed feelings....they are worth it because these two little boys have a family.  Someone is holding them!  Someone loves them deeply!  Someone is fighting for them!  And that makes EVERYTHING ELSE worth it!

You will survive this first year.  Things do get better.  Hang in there!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

7 Months...7 Things...7 Opportunities to See More of Him

I like stuff!  Actually, I love my stuff!  If asked, I would say Jesus is first in my life...I would give all this stuff up.  However, at times, I am forced to question my response.  I try to justify my large amounts of stuff by saying "I give to the poor.  I help those in need."  More often than naught, I give out of my abundance.  Honestly, I am not sure I have ever "given until it hurts". 

I get so frustrated with myself because I have seen poverty.  I have seen children sleeping on wooden slats without a single toy.  I have been inside of entire homes that would fit into my family room.  Often, it is in those settings, that I see Jesus...His hope...His love....His grace and mercy....and His hospitality.  Always, I walk away from these experiences saying "I want to be different.  I want to love Him more and my stuff less".  Then, I return to my comfortable life with my overabundance of stuff and the memories of "the least of these" starts to fade.

About two months ago, my friend, Kelly, told me I should read the book 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker.  (By the way, don't read this book if you don't want to be confronted with your excess and your love of it)  After some discussion, we decided we were going to follow Jen Hatmaker's model (with a few modifications) and take 7 months to fast from 7 things that get so much of our attention.

September is the month Kelly and I will focus on possessions.  We will give away 7 items each day.  I decided that I will be giving away 7 items each day...210 items total...that are mine.  I decided this because I wanted to make me uncomfortable.  I wanted to not take the easy way out and give away what I wanted from my possessions and then move on to my children's possessions to make up the difference.  (Oh yes, I would totally do this)

 Today, I am three days in and feeling good.  I mean my closets needed some cleaning out. 

Take notice of how organized my shirts are...but, seriously who needs this many shirts (and these aren't even my comfy t-shirts)

Jewelry drawer...honestly half of this jewelry I haven't even worn in the past 10 years

My winter shoes...I thought about organizing before snapping the picture (how prideful am I) but then figured you have enough from this post to judge me about why not add something else...

As you can see, God has a lot of work to do in me over this next month.  I am excited to see how God is going to use this fast to make people see more of Him and less of me.  I am praying for opportunities to give my stuff to people in need.  I don't want to just load it up and take it down to the local Rescue Mission...I want to be the one to meet a need.  I want to see God use my willingness (alright I want to see God use my twisted arm) to show love to another.  I want to serve God and not my money/possessions.  I want to be filled up with Him not the treasures of this world.