Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Taking the Dive

Last June, I left teaching, the only job I had ever had, to become "self employed" with West Virginia Birth to Three.  It was a difficult decision to leave my "comfortable" teaching career and dive into the career, no set schedule, completing my own billing, working with younger children and their families, working in people's homes, keeping track of mileage, phone calls, and text messages, and working in the summer.  I was quite nervous to say the least!!!  However, I felt it was a road God was leading me down so I could pursue my other "passions".

All last summer, I sat at swim practice and watched Chloe learning how to dive.  It took weeks of practice and a lot of nerve, but she finally did it!  The first few times, it wasn't beautiful...but, by the end of the season, CHLOE.COULD.DIVE!

While I watched this, I constantly felt God drawing parallels with my life.  I was indeed on the diving board of life and I needed to decide if I was going to let go of my hesitations and dive in.

I would like to tell you I did wholeheartedly TAKE.THE.DIVE!  But, I didn't...instead I impatiently stood on the board and watched others and asked for more "signs" that it was safe for me to dive. Who is to say how many blessings I missed out on because I refused to "trust" and dive in without any hesitations.  I know I worried myself into a tizzy over fear of failure...fear of making the wrong decision.

8 months later, I am in the water...still not sure I dove in (God might have pushed me:)  At times, it has been difficult learning a new career.  At times, I miss the classroom and the students.  At times, I feel ineffective because there is so much to learn in a new career.

But, God has shown Himself faithful!  Amazingly (despite my unwillingness to eagerly dive), God is giving me the opportunity to pursue one of my true passions (and guess what, if I was still in the classroom, I wouldn't be able to)...taking care of orphans.  In 3 days, I leave for Africa with the Pebble Project.  I am so excited to see firsthand how the funds raised at the Silent Auction are changing the lives of orphans.  (  I am so excited to see how God changes me through this experience!

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