Wednesday, October 2, 2013

7: Month Two: Chicken is not my Friend

Month one of our seven month fast is done.  Sadly, it was not difficult for me to get rid of 210 things....I far exceeded that number and my house is still filled.  Every time I tackled a new area of my possessions, I felt extreme guilt over the amount of money I had thrown into acquiring all this stuff.  I hope that this feeling of "enough is enough" will stick with me in the coming months/years.

I am going to be honest though, I had to talk myself through Target several times...."You don't need anything.  It doesn't matter how great of a sale they are having.  Get what you came for and leave.  Don't even walk in that section.  Get thee behind me Satan!"  It is hard to for me to mesh the poverty I have seen and the amount of stuff I have...I need to change!  Brian thinks if I worried less about fashion and what people think of me, I could eliminate a lot more stuff (ouch that hurts but I am afraid it is very true).  I think the biggest lesson I learned this month is...I need to change--my stuff has WAY TOO BIG of a hold on me!

By contrast, month two, I am afraid, will prove more difficult on a daily basis...

Month two is seven foods.  All month I will only eat seven foods.  Sounds yummy, huh?  After much thought, I have decided on the following seven foods...

Lima Beans
Wheat Bread
Peanut Butter
Chocolate Fiber Cleansing Snacks (these are my indulgence and part of my cleanse)

We decided drinks would not count as one of our food items...however, I am eliminating all soda and only drinking water, tea, or a cleansing drink.  I decided to also do a cleanse this month....I might as well take my limited diet and rid my body of toxins at the same time (probably this is cheating I know...but hey, if you aren't eating only 7 foods for one whole month don't judge...oh my goodness, I am already getting grouchy and it is only day two :).

I am praying this month as I am craving a specific food item, I will turn to Jesus to fill me up.  It sounds a bit cliché, I know.  However, here, in America, where food is not something about which I worry, I say my standard prayer before a meal but am I really truly thanking God for providing my food.  Do I truly understand that without Him, I would not have food at all.  Or, far too often do I think it is my hard work that provided the money that bought the know its about me and my work ethic instead of God and His gifts.

So, this month, give me some grace if I am grouchy or if it appears that I might want to eat you.  And, please bring me something other than chicken to eat on November 1st...

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