Friday, March 29, 2013

Dr. Suess Causes Me to Ponder--2

So, I planned on posting this the day after my first Dr. Seuss post.  BUT, welcome to my life nowadays.  I feel like I am always a step behind, 5 minutes late, and never fully rested.  However, I love this quote for the movie "The Lorax".  (and it still is Dr. Seuss' birthday month:)

The Lorax: Which way does a tree fall?
The Once-ler: Uh, down?
The Lorax: A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean.

The definition of leaning is a definite but not decisive attraction or tendency.  So, my question to myself is, where does my definite but not decisive attraction lay?  I am not sure that, if I am being honest, I like the answer.

Our Cat in the Hat after school snack

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