Tables...they can separate us. I was thinking about this as I sat down with four professionals to discuss Malachi's eligibility for Early Intervention services. They were on one side...they were the ones with the professional evaluations....they were the ones who would decide if my little boy was delayed enough to "qualify" for services. I was one the other side. I was the mother....I had no professional evaluations...I had no power to decide if Malachi qualifies...I was just there to listen, fight for my child, and hope for the best.
Malachi did qualify. He is significantly delayed in speech. He is also slightly delayed in gross motor skills. "Too much time in a crib. Not enough stimulation in his first year of life. Not enough verbal communication. Not enough experiences. Not sure if in a year in a half we can overcome a year and a half of deficits. There is really no way to make up for the losses that are experienced in that first year of life." I listened and I thought about all the children in the orphanages around the world that will never get a chance to have a "forever family". Children that will never get to have early intervention services because they will live out their lives in an orphanage.
As I listened throughout the meeting, I felt confident. I believe with some work on his ears and some intervention services, my little boy will make great progress. I mean I have seen where we have come from in just 2 short months...he smiles and laughs now, he will get off my lap and play when someone visits, he gives kisses, he takes your hand and leads you to what he wants, he will walk without your hand around the house and outside in the yard, he loves to gather eggs from the chickens, he dances, he know where his shoes are located....